English websites
5/6/2024: European election recommendation (Germany)
11/5/2024: Election touchstone: German doctors are irresponsible. Will Europe let them get away with it?
2/5/2024: Demonstration on the Day of Remembrance and Resistance – Speech
12/2/2024: A paradigmatic turn – WHO drops coercive psychiatry
17/1/2024: A path to liberation – An agenda for international progress nation by nation
14/9/2023: Towards the realm of freedom – On the connection between the coercion to work and the coercion to “mental” health.
15/12/2022: A very active autum here in Germany – We have 5 items to report, please read about them via the links:
- The publication of a history of anti-psychiatry or criticism of psychiatry from 1845 to the present day
- We celebrated the inauguration of our new Centre Against Psychiatric Assault with 3 events (pictures see here)
a) with a speech by Gert Postel on 42 years of the “Lunatic Offensive”
b) with an honorary commemoration of Thomas Szasz on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his death
c) with the awarding of three “Lunatic Offensive Freedom Prizes“, one to each of three particularly successful lawyers. - An advanced training in the Bremen psychiatric clinic how a non-violent psychiatry can be realized in a subversive way
- How we protested against the congress held by German psychiatry and at the same time handed over 1,500 signatures for a “Non-violent psychiatry now!” to the legislator, thus manifesting our demands
(see pictures here) - How psychiatry here in Germany is getting into an ever wilder state of confusion and is now already propagating LSD as a cure.
23/11/2022 Press release on the handover of the first 1500 signatures: Nonviolent psychiatry!
7/9/2022: On the History and Development of Psychiatric Criticism, Antipsychiatry, and the Conceptual Use of the Term Antipsychiatry
5/5/2022: Day of Remembrance and Resistance: The professional consensus is broken!
11/4/2022: Non-violent psychiatry could be practiced subversively
15/3/2022: Press release for Nonviolent Psychiatry!
7/3/2022: Breaking News: Forced psychiatry begins to implode
12/1/2022: It’s make or break – A call to sign a petition at change.og
29/9/2021: Sad, but the CRPD is in Germany of no use to us
7/9/2021: Commentary on the successful complaint at the supreme court in Germany
2/8/2021: Gert Postel and Alexandra Beek prove that psychiatrists know nothing at all
17/3/2021: Exclusion instead of Inclusion
30/7/2020: The German Federal Ministry for Justice attempts to turn the CRPD against us
22/1/2020: Good news from the German Federal Constitutional Court – Psychiatrists have one foot in prison!
1/1/2020: Kurt Gödel Prize 2019 – a severe blow to reductionism
6/11/2019: Psychiatric chief physician damands: End Coercion in Mental Health Services
21/5/2019: The Psychiatric Hegemony is broken
14/11/2018: Insane? Your own Choice! Nina Hagen explains the clever psychiatric advance directive
2/11/2017: Latest news on the movement against psychiatric oppression:
We mourn Kate Millett – Impostor among impostors – Instruction by the new President of the WPA, Helen Herrman
Report on the protest against the Berlin WPA congress
The attempt of the murderous psychiatry to whitewash has failed …
On the contrary, it has now become apparent how connected world psychiatry is with the murderous psychiatry.
A profession is extremely unsettled:
- Loss of power: With the PAD PatVerfue one can escape the violent grasp of psychiatry. It is so far only possible in Germany, but nevertheless this PAD decomposes coercive psychiatry fundamentally because its imagined absolute necessity or indispensability is refuted. The psychiatric apparatus thus becomes obsolete.
- The psychopharmaceutical research funding has been canceled due to a lack of prospects for success; basic research has shown that basic psychiatric assumptions are false or invalid. Thomas Insel, the director of the National Institute for Mental Health (NIHM) in the USA, finally admitted in a NIMH publication on April 29, 2013 that up till now all psychiatric diagnonsense has no validity at all.
Pictures of the protest see here
Please click on this preview to read our magazine
with a call for protest against the WPA congress in Berlin: ↓
The script of: A bit of Fry & Laurie – psycho psychiatrists
New Diagnonsens about to become epidemic – Motivational Defiency Disorder: see the video here
2/5/2017: Day of Remembrance and Resistance 2017 – Psychiatry: Fake science. Real harm.
15/9/2016: Another Pyrrhic victory of German psychiatry
4/10/2015: Prize-giving competition for a slogan for the World Congress of Psychiatry in Berlin 2017
27/4/2015: Our call for the T4 demonstration 2015
10/12/2013: Thomas Foth on the continuities of psychiatric violence
25/9/2013: More contradictory news from Germany
7/7/2013: Good and bad news from Germany
17/1/2013: Now obvious: Psychiatry is brute force!
13/9/2012: We mourn Thomas Szasz
17/7/2012: Historic breakthrough in German psychiatry
29/4/2011: Good news from the supreme court in Germany
18/6/2009: Finally, coercive psychiatry can be put to a stop!
20/12/2005: 25 years Lunatic-Offensive – the celebratory speech by Gert Postel
English website of the special German PAD (PatVerfü)
The history of the PatVerfü
Speech as introduction to the première of the cinema commercial for the PatVerfue on 31st January 2012 in the cinema Moviemento.
Notes for judges, guardians, psychiatrists
since the 1st of September 2009 a new law is in force for advance medical directives without limitations for illnesses or phases of illnesses! The consequences for these three professions are spelled out in these notes.
Why “mental illness” does not exist. The evidence
About the UN-convention fraud being committed in Germany (2008 – 2010)
- Deception failed
- A chronicle of events
- The UN High Commissioner for human rights confirms:
The draft of the German Federal Government for the ratification of the UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is a fraud and a falsification - IAAPA Contest:
Here are the winners of the prize-winning competition to find an appropriate slogan to criminalize all those who work in a locked psychiatric ward. - Letter from IAAPA to the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva in support of stopping the convention fraud in Germany.
- The public burial of the UN-Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) took place at 3.30 p.m. on Nov. 10, 2010 in the Frankfurt river Main.
IAAPA – International Association Against Psychiatric Assault
May 2nd – Day of Remembrance and Resistance:
IRREN-OFFENSIVE (Lunatic -Offensive)
Interview with Thomas Szasz on: Continuity in Psychiatry
- Advance directive binding by law in Austria:
www.psychiatrie-erfahrene.de/felix_austria_english.htm - Public reading of names of victims of the systematic medical mass murder in Germany, 1939-1948:
www.psychiatrie-erfahrene.de/reading_english.htm - A chronological account of our successful campaign against a planned new outpatient commitment law in Germany:
www.psychiatrie-erfahrene.de/outpatient_commitment.htm - How psychiatric violence only could be legitimated:Positive psychiatric advance directive
- Advance directive binding by law in Austria:
Statement on the publication of the expert opinion by lawyers Kaleck & Co. on Monday 25/2/2008 concerning the irreconcilableness of the Berlin mental heath law with the UN Disability Convention: www.die-bpe.de/comments
No outpatient commitment (providence state law):
Chair FOR Madness
- Neo-Nazi Eugenics – Many anti-fascists turn a blind eye? 2012
- Book review in “Radical Philosophy” #2, 2005:
- On the decolonisation of the subject “SZASZ UNDER FIRE”
- The Psychiatric Abolitionist Faces His Critics
- Speech held at the Conference of the Radical Philosophy Association at Brown University, Providence Rhode Island, USA on Nov. 7th 2002:
The Answer on the Mind-Body Question as a Crucial Means for Social Control and Oppression - Speech at the protest rally against the WFMH on the 22nd of July 2001 in Vancouver
Psychiatry in Russia in 2003
(Haus des Eigensinns)
The Concept: www.dissidentart.de/eigensinn/english.htm
The Cynical Republic: www.dissidentart.de/open_letter_english.htm
Speech at the first public presentation of the bronze statues by Igael Tumarkin
FREEDOM OF THOUGHT (incl. Russell Tribunal) 2001
Magazine “ZWANG”:
- The Antipsychiatry Coalition
- Thomas Szasz
- Die Universität über Thomas Szasz
- Biographisches Interview mit Thomas Szasz
- The Myth of Mental Illness (Kurzfassung des Klassikers)
- Free Book about Thomas Szasz: The Politics of Mental Illness
Read online - Homepage des früheren Schülers von T. Szasz: Peter Breggin
- Book review of Foucaults “Madness and Civilization” by Edgar Z. Friedenberg in The New York Times
- Russian Antipsychiatry
- Elektroschock – aus der Sicht des Neurologe
- Mad in America
- Blog: Behaviorism and Mental Health – An alternative perspective on mental disorders by Philip Hickey, PH.D.
- Duncan Double antipsychiatry
- Shrinking the Freedom of Thought
- Norwegische Psychiatrie-Kritiker
- The anti-psychiatric reading room